We offer expertise in the diagnosis, treatment and management of retinal eye disease, general ophthalmology such as cataract surgery, glaucoma, inflammatory eye conditions, diabetic eye conditions, infectious eye disease and paediatric eye disorders.
Our services
We offer expertise in the diagnosis and management of:
Retinal Eye Disease - such as macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy
General Ophthalmology - such as cataract surgery, blepharitis and dry eyes
Glaucoma - medical management of glaucomatous eye disease
Inflammatory Eye Conditions - including uveitis and scleritis
Infectious Eye Disease - including conjunctivitis
Lid lesions - management of chalazia and styes (hordeola)
Oculoplastics - eye surgery for the correction of droopy eyelids
Paediatric eye disorders - sub-speciality expertise in vision and eye disorders affecting infants and children
We have new patient appointments every day and all urgent referrals aim to seen the same day by one of our specialists.
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